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Showing posts from December, 2011

planning in principle

Ancaster Creek, pre-parking conditions at McMaster (C1965) McMaster University Campus Master Plan . March 2002 7.3.11 Existing treed areas along the rail alignment, Cootes Drive, Ancaster Creek and adjacent to Westaway Road, will be preserved as much as possible as the West Campus becomes intensified. 7.3.12 A number of opportunities exist for campus development to contribute to enhancing the water temperature, water quality and fish habitat of Ancaster Creek. A continuous stream buffer with a minimum width of 30 metres will be provided between the stream bank and the parking lot edges. This will in certain cases involve cutting back the edges of existing parking lots. The University will work with community partners to naturalize the buffer with native trees and shrubs. 7.3.13 Development of West Campus should proceed on the basis of an appropriate, state of the art stormwater management plan that directs site-related stormwater run-off water into a system of wet

Changing Desire for Nature Connection

“The importance of environmental protection and conservation is increasingly being recognized by society and, as people become more aware of the benefits of environmental protection, demand for passive settings and trails that connect people to nature is increasing,” CATCH Articles: Residents want more natural areas and trails    0 digg Dec 14, 2011 Hamiltonians identify more natural areas as their top priority for additional public spending on recreational facilities. More trails came second in the survey conducted as part of the  outdoor recreational study  received by councillors earlier this week, but the city is actually reducing annual funding for purchase of natural areas. The  survey  asked 800 randomly selected residents to rate more than two dozen recreational features on a scale from one to five, where one meant do not spend additional money and five meant definitely spend more. Just under three-quarters (74 percent) gave natural open space a four o

Zone M-ers

These four gentlemen took a hike with me into McMaster University's Zone "M" parking lot to take-in the history of the area, and to share thoughts on the potential future of this former Royal Botanical Gardens property, now a car-park. A very light rain was no trouble at all, we even did some litter pick up at the Marx Binkley cemetery. Thanks to Alvand from the Cootes Paradise Club for asking me to share some of my research with the group. Hopefully we can see this area restored over time to its original state.

Ponds and Parking - Hike through history

1963- pre parking In the 1960s McMaster University expanded rapidly. One casualty of the fast paced growth occurred when surface parking in the west campus effectively paved over a floodplain that had been property of the Royal Botanical Gardens.  Lost were trails, ponds and tranquility for what we now know as Parking Lot M. Wednesday, December 14th, take a walk across Cootes Drive with OPIRG McMaster coordinator of volunteers Randy Kay to explore this area and learn more about the history, and potential for restoration of lost habitat - sights include, Cootes Drive, Ancaster Creek, Trails, and a Pioneer Cemetery. 1972 - parking installed Meet at the Occupy Hamilton area of the McMaster Student Centre Atrium (to the far left of the fireplace) at 12:30pm - wear clothing suitable for hiking in any weather.

Cootes December Rain

The cold rain has not negatively impacted the beauty of Cootes Paradise, here seen from the waterfront trail looking west toward Princess Point, where a lone Great Blue Heron gracefully paced in search of a meal.