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Showing posts from January, 2012

Parking Perspective

West Campus parking (area mapped below includes lots K,L,M,N,O,P) previously belonged to the Royal Botanical Gardens and was used as hiking trails with trails around Binkley's Pond (now filled in and paved, Lot L) and along Ancaster Creek. The creek is still there, but the entire area is no longer recognizable as a natural area. Parking Lot M abuts the creek and runoff from the lots contaminates the water.  Just north of the parking, Ancaster Creek joins with Spencer Creek and flows into Cootes Paradise, Hamilton's largest and most important remaining wetland. McMaster's decision in the 1960s to turn this lush area of natural habitat into cheap and expansive parking lots is a decision which still has consequences for us today. "Very few, if any, can express the views of the Royal Botanical Gardens, as can W.J. Lamoureux [RBG's Conservationist], in his recent review of the situation of taking over of the property of Cootes Paradise for the expansion of McMas

Money for Nothing?

The section of Zone M parking lot closed for construction, that the University/City of Hamilton intends to re-pave, has been closed since April 2009 . Will someone please explain why we are spending any money on repaving this lot (even with permeable paving) almost three years later? And this while the University is still trying to entice people to park in their newish underground parking garage?