McMaster University Campus Master Plan 2002:
"7.3.12 A number of opportunities exist for campus development to contribute to enhancing the water temperature, water quality and fish habitat of Ancaster Creek. A continuous stream buffer with a minimum width of 30 metres will be provided between the stream bank and the parking lot edges. This will in certain cases involve cutting back the edges of existing parking lots. The University will work with community partners to naturalize the buffer with native trees and shrubs."
30 metres from the creek, west end of Lot M |
Volunteers from Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) McMaster took measurements to see how far the 30 metre buffer zone between Zone M Parking at McMaster would extend into the existing parking area.
30m from creek, north side of Lot M, west end |
With the campus lots overbuilt for the current parking demand, there is ample room to rehabilitate a 30 metre buffer zone. If the university decides to save money on re-paving lots they no longer need capital funds could be applied to a staged rehabilitation of this sensitive natural area adjacent to Ancaster Creek
30m from creek, North side of Lot M, east end |