"There is an increasing acceptance by the traffic engineering
and urban planning professions of the concept that carparking should not become
an end in itself, but be recognized as only one phase of overall planning and
transportation policies. It is further recognized that carparking policies and
pricing can have major influence upon the successful implementation of
transport programs. Simply put, cheap parking encourages heavy usage of the
private auto, and concurrently requires larger parking facilities and costly
roadway improvement works….
We believe that the University should limit its
responsibility in such access/egress matters to:
- providing only a sufficient quantum of carparking to serve the needs of those users willing to pay the full charges for same;
- soliciting and encouraging public transport authorities to improve service schedules and routes"
R.F. Smith, Manager of Engineering, McMaster Health Science Centre, 4th March 1969
[Letter: Parking Design and Development Ltd, in Revised Interim Traffic Report to McMaster University]
Users should pay the full cost of parking. McMaster west campus parking lot "M" |